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Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)-In Chapter X-Assessment of the impact of certain strategies, plans and programs on the environment-SEA, from Article 65 to Article 75 of the Law on Environment ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no. 53/05, 81/05, 24/07,159/08, 83/09, 47/10, 124/10, 51/11, 123/12, 93/13, 187/13, 42/14 and 44/15) regulates the procedure, which is further regulated by regulations.

The strategic environmental assessment-SEA is implemented on strategic and planning documents, which are prepared for agriculture, forestry, fishery, energy, industry, mining, transport, regional development, telecommunications, waste management, water management, tourism, spatial and urban planning and land use, National Environmental Action Plan and local action plans for environment, as well as on all strategic, planning and program documents with which execution of projects for which the impact environmental assessment is planned.

The SEA process should ensure a high level of environmental protection, to integrate environmental objectives into the preparation and implementation of the planning documents, to ensure proper involvement of the public, in order to achieve sustainable development of the country, region and local government.

SEA aims to provide a framework for action on decision-making process at early stage during preparation of the planning documents (which usually predict individual projects).

The central and local government (including the Regions), private investors and a variety of stakeholders are included in the procedure.

The team od DEKONS EMA, with its 3 experts on strategic environment assessment (which are on the list of SEA experts in the MOEPP) and a team of external experts, has extensive experience in practicing SEA procedures, communication with stakeholders and the public and preparing of all the necessary documents (decision on implementation/non-implementation of the SEA, preparation of forms, preparation of Report on strategic environmental assessment of the strategy/plan/program, reports of public communication etc.). Until now, we have successfully completed over 100 procedures, which means, the same amount of strategies/plans have been accepted by the competent institutions. It is a guarantee of competence of our team and the willingness to help the clients to successfully realize their need and reach the final adoption of the strategic/planning document.

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is defined in the Law on Environment Chapter XI-"Assessment of the impact of certain projects on the environment". The EIA Study and the decision that the competent authority (Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning) is issuing in terms of its compliance with the requirements of the legislation, are part of the project documentation required for obtaining a license for construction of facilities and mandatory for projects that can have a significant environmental impact (determined by special Decree).

The procedure for must be conducted before the implementation of the construction activities of the project and measures for mitigation should be included in the Main design for the activity.

The objective of the EIA procedure is to ensure adequate attention to all possible environmental impacts and to provide solutions for their elimination or minimization, before the proposed project to enter into the construction phase.

Our company employs three certified environmental impact assessment experts. The experience of our consultants in conducting the EIA procedure and preparation of EIA studies is guarantee for the quality of the prepared documents, which reduces the time from submitting the Notification Letter, until getting the decision for consent for performance of the project. Our references and experience speak for the quality of the preparation of necessary documentation and our knowledge not only of national and EU legislation, but also the policies and requirements of international financial institutions, such as World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, German Credit Bank for Reconstruction etc.

Elaborate on environmental protection, as defined in Article 24 of the Law on Environment and refers to all those activities that do not comprise projects that have a procedure for the environmental impact assessment-EIA and existing facilities/installations, which by its capacity do not belong to those projects for whose operation obtaining IPPC permit (Integrated Permit for the prevention and control of pollution) is necessary. All those facilities/installations are obliged to prepare environmental protection elaborate. The elaborate gives an image on the current status of the site and the wider environment, identify potential impacts, positive and negative, on the environment and propose measures for their reduction or mitigation.

Elaborate is a document which is an integral part of the project documentation required for obtaining a license for construction of facilities or for existing installations and is a document that contains all the necessary data for the installation and plan/program to integrate the measures for environmental management. Gained experience in the operation of this type of documents, their distinctive quality allows the clients easily and in simple way to meet the requirements of national legislation, to apply the standards and worlds best practices, not only to improve the quality of the environment, but to save financial assets in production and ensure its sustainability. Benefit from the quality prepared document have also the authorities at central and local level that are making decisions for compliance of the documents with national and international standards.

Integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC) is a system of measures to prevent and control pollution, which in our Law on Environment have been taken by the European Directive (2010/75/EU) on integrated pollution prevention and control, which aims to eliminate or minimize the environmental impact of specific industries/installations to achieve a high level of environmental protection in general.

The operators of installations, which are subject to the IPPC regulation, according to the legal deadlines must apply for integrated environmental permit (Law on Environment, Chapter ΧΙΙ and ΧΙ, Decree on IPPC).

IPPC permit is mandatory before beginning of operation on new installations and for continuing the operation of the existing installations.

We offer a multidisciplinary approach of professionals in the field of environmental that possess vast experience in: inspection of the location, design and operation of process facilities, environmental management in industry and related legislation.

Our approach towards IPPC consulting is flexible, full consulting service until obtaining final IPPC permit, which includes consulting and design of improvement measures, which are part of the operational plans for harmonization, at the existing installations or plan for improvement, in new installations. But our cooperation with the operators does not end here, we are here at the entire life work of each installation, to give advice on: efficient use of energy, efficient water use, improvement in technological processes, management of emissions of environmental media environmental, waste management, etc.

Liability for damage caused to the environment is the activity defined in Article 157 of the Law on Environment. Within the company DEKONS EMA, there are three authorized estimators of environmental damage, and the Company is authorized to perform this activity/damage estimation Their experience in the assessment of environmental impacts and their quantification, and application of measures to reduce environmental damage and determination of their price, are a good prerequisite for positive results in this area.

Waste management is a vast field of interest, regulated by the Law on Waste Management ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no. 68/04, 71/04, 107/07, 102/08, 143/08, 124/10, 51/11, 123/12, 147/13, 163/13 and 51/15). Waste management at central, regional, local and at the level of installations is a topic where DEKONS EMA has notable successes. In its ranks, the Company has expert-Waste Manager with extensive experience in international and national projects in the field of waste management. Therefore, we can rightly say that we give our customers full service, preparation of plans or programs for waste management, reports on the implementation of plans and programs, preparation of requests for authorization for collection, transportation, storage and waste treatment.

DEKONS EMA offers expert assistance in the preparation of

Preparation of strategic and planning documents

Local Environmental Action Plan (LEAP) is a strategic document of a Municipality for achieving the goals set in the Law on Environment. With the system for planning, the implementation of economic, technical, scientific, educational, organizational and other measures and activities are guided and harmonized, as well as the measures for implementation of the commitments assumed under the ratified international agreements, in order to protect and improve the environment and ensure sustainable development.

LEAP is a system of measures and activities for medium and long-term planning to the protection and improvement of the environment, protection and development of environmental management in accordance with economic, social and cultural development of the local/municipal level.

The DEKONS EMA personnel is trained and experienced to comprehend the vulnerable points in terms of environmental and socio-economic aspects in the Municipality and to decant the strategic objectives of the Municipality, which through a system of measures will lead to improvement in the environmental conditions. Through a system of communication with the public, these measures and their implementation will become part of the everyday life of the citizens of a municipality and responsibility of those who have to care about the health and welfare of the population, namely public institutions, private companies and installations. Adoption and implementation of LEAP by a Municipality, is adopting a long-term "green" efforts that lead to a single goal-sustainable development of the Municipality.

So far we have successfully collaborated with several municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia and LEAPs that we have prepared, have their implementation.

Program for Noise Management with Action Plan-Law on environmental noise protection is fully in line with the existing EU regulation. The Law on environmental noise protection is a law that regulates the basic principles for management of environmental noise. The law is harmonized with the EU recommendations in order to establish a general legal framework for regulation of environmental noise of an integrated and comprehensive manner. According to the Law on environmental noise protection for global assessment of the determined noise exposure in a given area due to different noise sources and the general predictions about the area, strategic map of noise is developed.

According to the same law, strategic noise maps must be made for all agglomerations, major roads, major railways and major airports in the Republic of Macedonia. Strategic noise maps for residential areas and areas of special interest are made as needed, based on a decision made by the legal entity that manages with the area. According to Article 17 of the Law on environmental noise protection, the Action Plan for environmental noise is made based on previously developed strategic noise map. Subject to the preparation of an Action Plan and Program for noise management is to identify the so-called hot spots of noise, and to foresee measures for reducing or avoiding. DEKONS EMA is a pioneer in the development of this kind of documentation. In 2011, for the first time such plan and program for environmental noise management is made for the municipality of Ohrid. After that, different types of documentation related to environmental noise are produced.

Law on Nature Protection is prepared on the basis of IUCN criteria. It includes six categories of protected areas, for which relevant documents are made. Law on Nature Protection prescribe the manner of declaring a protected area. According to Article 92 of this law, strict nature reserves, national parks and monuments of nature being declared protected areas by law. With the latest changes and amendments to the Law on Nature Protection, there is a legal obligation to prepare a study for evaluation or re-evaluation of the protected area. The aim is to determine the real situation and provide technical basis for the act of proclamation. The professional team of DEKONS EMA prepares documentation related to the protection of nature.

Occupational health and safety is an interdisciplinary concept of ensuring the welfare of people involved in the working process. At the same time, it is a protection of the employers from unforeseen and uncontrollable economic and material losses resulting from adverse events from non-application of the measures for occupational health and safety.

Law on occupational health and safety ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no. 92/07,136/11, 23/13, 25/13, 137/13, 164/13, 158/14 and 15/15), is a law which defines the measures for occupational safety and health, responsibilities of employers and the rights and obligations of employees in the area of ​​ occupational safety and health and preventive measures against occupational risks, the elimination of risk factors for the accident, information, consulting, training of workers and their representatives and their participation in planning and undertaking measures for occupational safety and health.

In accordance with the Law on occupational health and safety, each employer must prepare and implement a Statement for safety for each working place, specifying the manner and the measures to be taken. The employer must ensure occupational health and safety, in particular by:

  • Indication of one or more experts;
  • Training of employees for safe work on the basis of own programs.

The environmental consulting company DEKONS EMA, in 2012 in accordance with Article 45 of the Law on occupational health and safety and the Rules for conditions of the personnel, organizations, technical and other requirements that the legal or physical persons performing professional activities should meet ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no. 37/08) received authorization from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy for the performance of professional activities for safety at work:

  • Risk Assessment with reference number 127;
  • Concept for safety statement with reference number 128;
  • Development and implementation of training programs for employees to safely perform the work with reference number 129;
  • Decision to perform professional activities with number 07-7852/4.

The team that operates within the Department for occupational health and safety is composed of three experts with passed professional exam for qualified person for occupational health and safety in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic Macedonia.

To perform professional activities in the field of occupational health and safety, the Department for occupational health and safety, offers the following services:

  • Preparation of risk assessment for the workplace;
  • Preparation of concept for Statement of safety;
  • Preparation of programs and conducting trainings for employees on occupational health and safety;
  • Preparation of Plan for occupational health and safety on temporary and mobile construction sites;
  • Consulting services from qualified Expert for occupational health and safety.
The expert team of the Department for occupational health and safety, has successfully implemented the following documents on OH&S.